The benefits of biogas as a fuel in public transport
The benefits of the operation of vehicles with biogas are, compared with gasoline or diesel vehicles, reduced emissions and a more positive greenhouse balance. A vehicle that is powered with
100% biomethane saves, compared to a conventional gasoline vehicle, approximately 65% of CO2 emissions. Biomethane is biogas, which was upgraded to natural gas quality. The emission of sulfur
dioxide, soot and other particulate emissions is almost completely avoided.
An additional positive effect is the reduction of engine noise.
Public transport is particularly well suited for the introduction of biogas as a fuel, because the public sector demonstrates a role model function to the citizens. As public transport is used
by many segments of the population, the awareness of biogas as a fuel may be increased. The range of public buses is usually limited to a county or a city, so that refueling can be done overnight
by a municipal biogas filling station.