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BBDN (Baltic Business Development Network) was a coalition of Business Schools interested in research and education in these matters and organizations working with regional business development. In the network there was also connected a number of other organizations assisting a sustainable economic development in the Baltic Sea Region.

BBDN worked with practical advice to the SMEs on how to find and how to perform business in another Baltic country. The business schools used the experience from the project for research and in the education of students, who are becoming the future business people. A separate course directed towards the SMEs was available on the Internet.

BBDN was partly a network of people from all the Baltic countries devoted to the idea of cross border business and partly it also intended to be an electronic platform on the Internet that provides all essential information to the SMEs to do better business. All services on the Internet had been in English, but through personal assistance the SMEs got their advice in their local language.

BBDN was a project that worked for three years. During this time the workflow was established and the results were evaluated. By gradual stages the service started at a few places. At the end of the project time all countries had set up their service centres. The aim was that the project concept showed such strength that it could develop further on its own financial conditions after the project time.

BBDN was partly financed by EU through Interreg III B. The Kaliningrad partners were partly financed by the Tacis program. All the project partners partly contributed with their own achievements. The project budget was totally around 2.000.000 €.